Mechanical Eng. Initial Interview

Hey there! 
In this test we'll ask some questions about yourself and some technical concepts. The completion of the test should take 15 minutes.
We believe the test is clear, but if you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask for clarifications. 
Once you submit the form, you won't be able to change your answers.
Have fun and send your answers as soon as you can.

What is your name? *

What phone number should we use to reach you? *

What is your email?

What would you like to create for yourself at BotFactory?

Why do you like what we do at BotFactory?

Tell us about an experience that made you happy.

Tell us about a challenging situation you had to overcome.

Besides Mech E., what do you like to do?

What would be your ideal work environment?

Thinking about buses, what is the first thing you would re-design about them?

What skills would you say are most important for an engineer?

How would you explain a car's wheel and axle system to a layperson?

Why do customers buy a product?

What is a new engineering skill you've acquired in the last year?

What do you think is the main challenge when designing a desktop laser printer?